Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to optimizing factors external to your website. This ranges from building backlinks, posting on social media, and everything in between. 

How to improve off-page SEO?

You can improve your off-page SEO by doing the following:

Links from trusted websites   

Getting links from other sites will boost your SEO. Not all sites are of high quality, however. For instance, .edu domains are credible, and thus add value, whereas a spam website would not.Off-Page Optimization

Social media links

Share your content with your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Encourage others to do so with social share buttons.

How to build backlinks for SEO?

Building high-quality backlinks should be your goal. If you buy or sell links, search engines may penalize the site, which decreases its ranking. 

A lot of websites have been penalized because of bad backlinks. It is highly recommended that you take your time when building links. You can start with social media link optimization first and then move on to link building. Find trusted sites such as Wikipedia, Yelp, Homestars, Houzz, etc. The links you build will depend on your company and industry. 

Partner with other brands. 

If you are a business that works with other brands, you can both link to each other. You could also write reviews for their products or services that link back to you and your website. 

Start a blog. 

If you create original content and post regularly, more and more people will link to your posts. A blog is not only good for generating traffic but also for building backlinks from other sites. Do your best to write posts and pages that provide a lot of value to readers. It isn’t easy to do so, but valuable content encourages social sharing. 

We have covered search engines, keyword research, on-page, and off-page SEO, but we are not done yet. There are other factors that affect SEO.

SEO & Content Regency

SEO & Content Regency

Google update favors recently published or updated content, especially for time-sensitive searches.  When Queries Deserve Freshness? The implication is that Google measures all of your documents for freshness, then score each page according to the type of search...