Do you have some audience on youtube? If yes, then are you optimizing youtube videos to reach your clients? YouTube video optimization is equally significant these days as people like visuals more than content. There are various techniques to optimize the Youtube videos. We will discuss them one by one in this section.

Some crucial factors for video ranking success

  1. Use of keywords that match the searcher’s query: Use keyword research for this purpose. Find out which queries are people mostly using to find your services or products. Then use this keyword as the name of your video. It will help to improve the optimization of the youtube video.
  2. Keep the title short but keyword-rich- descriptions: The title with no more than 50 characters and descriptions with 200 words are considered as the best. So make your title short but precise and description should contain relevant keywords in it.
  3. Keyword tags: Next is keyword tags. Tags appear on the right side of the video player when you use a desktop, and below the video when you use a mobile screen. So use 2-3 words keywords that are highly searched for users related to your business. It will help you to rank higher. 
  4. Certain video length: A survey says the video with 10-16 minutes in length tends to rank better than a long one. The video with 4-6 minutes length gets more views. To convey the useful information, make it easy to understand, interesting and valuable then 10-16 minutes are enough. But if we have a promotional video for instance if some company is providing any seasonal offer and want to promote that offer then we will make the video up to 4 -6 minutes to get more views. So the video length depends on the services and views and you can make them according to your desire.

A YouTube video SEO checklist 

  • Rename your video file using a target keyword
  • Insert your keyword in the title of the video
  • Optimize your video description wisely 
  • Use popular keyword tags relevant to your topic of video 
  • Add a category to your video 
  • Use an SRT file to add subtitles and closed captions
  • To increase your youtube channel’s viewers, add cards and end screens 
  • Upload a custom thumbnail image for your video’s result link