When it comes to search for //monitorbacklinks.com/blog/seo/seo-dos-and-donts engine optimization, there are certain things you should try to implement and other actions to avoid. Some factors will boost your ranking while others will hurt it. In some cases, Google and other search engines may even remove your website from the search engine result pages completely. Here are some do’s and don’ts to follow:

S.NO                       SEO do’s SEO don’ts
1. Write well -researched, relevant, and fresh content:  Content is the king. So content should be the most relevant and engaging to the reader. Do not use the copied content: Google hates copied and duplicate content. So do not take risks by writing the copied content. 
2. Get backlinks from relevant sites: It is oblivious if you have relevant backlinks then it will increase your traffic and you will gain customers. Avoid irrelevant links: Search may penalize your website for having irrelevant links. Moreover, this kind of link is useless. They Do not give any traffic
3. Do keyword research: There are various tools to do keyword research. Invest some time for keyword research. Try to find the phrases that most people use to search related to your business. Do not do Keyword stuffing: it is a bad idea to use so many keywords in the content. Write the content for your audience not for Google bots.
4. Build internal links: Internal links are Google ranking factors and they help spiders find and index your content.  Avoid sitewide backlinks: Sitewide links quickly sound an alert to Google that you did something suspicious.
5. Add keywords in your title, meta descriptions, and body content: It is a good practice to put the target keywords in the title, meta descriptions, and body text to rank high.  Do not use PageRank as a metric to decide a backlink value: Google stopped updating the PageRank toolbar more than 2 years ago. So stop using the PageRank to compare your backlink value.
6. Become a guest blogger on well- known and trusted websites: find the reputable and trusted websites and write for them. It will help you to connect with new audiences and add new trusted readers. Do not get links from blog networks: Blog networks are considered as spammy ways to earn the traffic. It may cause your site to get penalized. 
7. Create infographics: Infographics can help you to get the audience and relevant backlinks. Do not write guest posts for bad sites: Do not write for the low quality and unknown websites. It will not provide you with the traffic.
8.  Monitor your backlinks: It’s not only about building the links but you need to keep an eye on them. You need to monitor them regularly and maintain a clean backlink profile.  Do not use cloaking and doorway pages: Google has devalued the sites that have doorways pages and use cloaking methods. 
9.  Create a sitemap: Sitemap helps crawlers to find all the pages on your site, crawl them and index easily. 

Do not use hidden text or links:

This method is useless. Do not use hidden text or links. It will give Google a chance to penalize your site.  

10. Make your site user friendly: Your site should be very intuitive and easy to navigate. Do not over-optimize anchor text: Google penguin penalize the sites that over-optimize the anchor text.
11.  Write long content: Your content should be long and valued for your reader. Moreover, in the long content, you can add more keywords, and hence it will help to rank high.  Never buy SEO services from the offers you get by emails: Be aware of these kinds of offers. Not every offer is good. They can be spam and harm your website. 
12.  Learn from your best competitor: Study your best competitors. Check their marketing strategy. Check the sites from where they are getting the backlinks and build your own backlinks.  Do not spam websites to earn backlinks: Do not spam other sites to earn your own backlinks. Impact uses smart ways to build backlinks. 
13. Remove and disavow bad links: You should regularly check your backlinks and analyze them. Remove the useless and bad links to protect your site from the Google penalty.   Do not submit your site to 1000 search engines: You have no need to submit your site to every search engine. Its Google’s responsibility to crawl and index your site once you get the first link. 
14.  Post fresh content often: Keep posting new articles and blogs with new content. It will show Google that you are updating your website and it is not abandoned.  Do not copy other websites’ content: This is not the right way to use the content from other sites. You need to have unique and valued content to get ranked on search engines.
15. Make your website mobile-friendly: Now most of the web traffic comes from mobile devices. So it is necessary to have a responsive web design.  Do not buy Cheap SEO services: So many scammers provide cheap SEO  services. Be aware of the theme. It’s not cheap to buy SEO services.
16. Improve your website speed: If your website takes too long to open it will irritate the user. So make sure you work on improving your website speed.  Do not link to penalized sites: Always check properly the site you are linking to. Links from penalized sites may harm your site presence. 
17.  Build your website with SEO in mind: From the starting of the development of your site, follow the SEO terms.  Do not do link exchange: Reciprocal links are outdated, you should stay away from this technique.