How to Add SEO Keywords to Title Tags?

Titles are seen by both people and search engines. Title is simply a headline on SERPs. Title tag should consist of 50-60 characters as Google displays the first 60 characters of the title. Place the main keyword in the beginning of the title tag. It Boosts the SEO and helps you to rank higher in SERPs. You can also use your brand name in the title tag. Make sure your title should be short, unique and have a focus keyword in the beginning of the title. 

Code Example



Title for your page goes here. Try to keep it within 60 Characters



Why Should You Start A Title Tag With A SEO Keyword? 

When you put the main keyword in the beginning of the title tag, then  the search will see the keyword early and it increases the chances of rank higher in top 10 searches. But keep in mind your title should not exceed 60 characters and should not be keyword-stuffed. 

What are SEO Keywords in Discription Tag? 

Meta description brief summary of a page. Search engines often display the meta description in search results which can increase the click through rate.

description tag

Code Example


      <meta name=”description” 

       content=”Here will go your content for description try to keep it within 155 to 160 characters.”>


Google announced that neither meta description nor title tags keywords factor into Google’s ranking algorithms for web search. But Meta descriptions can however impact a page’s click -through-rate on Google which can positively impact a page’s ability to rank. 

Why add a SEO Keyword in H1 Tag?

Keywords in h1 tags are part of the  HTML coding for a web page.  It helps search engines to understand what your page is concerning and once used in conjunction with the page title, meta description, keywords and keyword-targeted content, help improve search engine ranking for a specific keyword. Below are the two best practices for h1 tags:

  • Wrap the title of your page in h1
  • Use only one h1 tag per page

Why should keywords be present in h1 tags?

Below are some reasons why you should put keywords in h1 tags:

  • Keywords within the h1 tag have an impression. 
  • Placing the keywords in h1 and titles of the site grab the interest of visitors to your website.
  • The most importantly h1 tag provides usability. It’s specifically usable for persons with visual impairments and other people who use screen readers.
  • H1 and title – are the place where SEO plays the most role and highly dominant for keywords.
  • Google spider crawls H1 and Title, over other components of the web site.


    TF-IDF is Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency.  Fundamentally it has nothing to do with SEO and or search engines. Inverse document frequency (IDF) works to discount the value of words like and, the, or, and the like. Words that appear in voluminous fashion within a document and across other documents will be discounted (with these words being and, the, or, and the like). This perfect balance of TF and IDF leaves us with the most utilized (and perhaps therefore important words) without the chaff that are words like and, the, or, etc.

    Is TF-IDF a SEO ranking factor?

    For SEO purposes,  TF-IDF could indicate how valuable or important a specific word is to a search engine. That is, by analyzing the top results for a given query you could conceivably arrive at the most frequently used and therefore important words that are not are, the, or, and the like. 

    What is SEO Content Length?

    A study has shown that Google prefers content rich sites. But it does not mean Google decides the ranking by word count. While content length is clearly correlated with better search rankings, the factors that actually help Google rank pages are merely made possible by long form content. Let’s have a look at following factors:

    • Longer content has more backlinks
    • Longer content gets more social shares
    • Google’s rank brain rewards long form content 

    Above factors with long content helps Google to decide which content should get higher ranking. But for this your content should be of good quality. Your content should consists of:

    • Utility and value 
    • Comprehensiveness
    • High dwell time
    • Compelling title and description tags

    Table of Contents:

     If you have a linked table of content, then it can help Google better understand your page’s content. 

    What is SEO Keyword Density?

    To inform Google about the subject matter of your article, it is important to use your primary keyword multiple times in the article. It does not mean you over use the keyword. Google may think you are spamming it to manipulate the search engine. If you do keyword over use then your keywords or pages may suffer penalty. So, there is a question: what is normal? How to use keywords properly? Well, instead of having a fixed percentage, Google will now calculate the density of a keyword or keyword phrase for a particular query by referencing other web pages on that topic that rank highly. As long as you have roughly a similar keyword density as those sites that already rank highly, you should be okay. This reference to what is considered normal is called the TF-IDF (Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency) of the page.

    What are WordPress tags for SEO?

    What are WordPress tags for SEO?

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